Collection Number: WC 1289
Object Number:
Dates: 868 - 879
Denomination: Solidus
Dimensions: 20.00mm
Weight: 4.33g
Authority: Basil I
Mint: Constantinople
Languages: Greek
Obverse Type: +IhSXPSRX - RNNTIM; Christ seated (Type Ia), facing bearded, on lyre-backed throne, wearing tunic and himation; right hand raised outwards in blessing, book resting on left knee. Double border of dots
Obverse Legend:
Obverse Inscription Languages: Greek
Obverse Mintmarks:
Obverse Inscription Comment: N/A
Reverse Type: bSILIOS COSA’ V’b’; Two busts facing. Basil on left, bearded, wearing loros and crown with cross. Constantine on right, smaller, wearing chlamys and crown with cross; patriarchal cross held between them by right hand
Reverse Legend:
bSILIOS COhSAh(’) [’]b’
Reverse Inscription Languages: Greek
Reverse Mintmarks:
Reverse Inscription Comments: h for N
DOC III pp. 448-489 n. 2c, Plate XXX
BNP p. 542 nn. 4-7, Plate LXXV
BMC Byz vol. 2 p. 436 nn. 2-4, Plate L,12
Ratto p. 93 n. 1858, Plate XLIII
Sabatier p. 107 n. 5, Plate XLIV,22
Tolstoj p. xx nn. 3-4, Plate 72
Sommer --
Sear 1704