Collection Number: WC 11840
Object Number:
Dates: 430 - 437
Dimensions: 13.97mm
Weight: 0.85g
Authority: Valentinian III
Languages: Latin
Obverse Type: D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG; Pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
OCRE: D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG; Bust of Valentinian III, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right
Obverse Legend:
Obverse Inscription Languages: Latin
Obverse Mintmarks:
Obverse Inscription Comment: N/A
Reverse Type: VRTVS RO-MANORVM; Two Victories facing one another and holding between them a wreath. Good style (var. A), normal style (var. B)
OCRE: VICTOR-IA AVGG; Two Victories, winged, draped, facing each other, holding wreath between them
Reverse Legend:
Reverse Inscription Languages: Latin
Reverse Mintmarks:
Reverse Inscription Comments: N/A
cf. RIC X p. 378 n. 2131-2132, Plate 53
LRBC p. 63 n. 860